Thursday, August 27, 2009


My goodness, it has been a long time since I have written. It has been a very busy summer. I spent the month of July at the lake, with Tom coming up when ever he could. On August 14th, Holly, Andy and the boys came to the lake for a week. We had a great time. The weather was great, much better than it had been in July! We spent one day at Mike and Sandy Radings. We went out on their boat, which the boys weren't too keen on. Mike let Ben "drive", at which point he decided that he really like the boat, but it still wasn't as good as a tractor! As always, dinner was wonderful, Mike always goes way out. Thanks guys, we had a great time!
Another milestone was reached this August when Beckham celebrated his two year anniversary of receiving Jake's heart. Kim put some really great pictures on their blog: Go check them out. This little boy and his family has come to mean so much to us, we love them all. Thank you for letting us be a part of your life, Scads. It means so much to watch Beck grow and know the heart that beats in his chest is part of our family. We are so glad it is Beckhams!
Thom and Danielle finally got to move home from Albany, yeah!! Thom is not working at Butler. They are buying Danielle's step dads house in Port Gibson (or Byron, I always forget which one it is, LOL) and have been very busy making it feel like home. I'm sure it will be beautiful after they put their own touches in it and make it home. It is such a nice little house, it just needs some TLC! I know they will be happy there. It is so nice having them be only a half hour away.
It is hard to believe that Labor Day weekend is only a week away! We are going to the lake, as we always do for that weekend. Then summer will officially be over, yuck! I am not looking forward to going back to work, but it is a part of life. I will try not to be so busy that I don't keep up with my blog!
See ya soon,

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Well, the weather is finally taking a turn for the better. I have been out side enjoying the warm weather the past few days. It is amazing how just a few days bring out the flowers. My crocuses are out and the other bulbs are starting to come up as well. I am trying not to get to use to it though, it is not going to last. Every good day gets us closer to spring.

Our friends Tom and Joy from the lake were here last weekend and we had a great time. Went to the house of guitars, Tom and Joy got their pictures taken with one of the owners, Joy was in her glory!! He even signed a calender for her. We played the WII and now Joy is hooked. I bet her arm hurts from bowling! She wants to buy one now. Kathy and David came over for awhile Saturday night. It was a great time. Thanks guys!

The big deal in our house right now is the 47" t.v. Playing the WII on that is really cool! What a great picture. Our old one was starting to die on us. It was only over 11 years old, we got a lot of use out of it. And the HD on this one is great.

This Saturday Holly, Andy and the boys are coming up and we are going to the Strong museum of play. Marc and Mandi are going to meet us their with the girls, then dinner of pizza, either at their house or ours. I can't wait to see the boys, Alex is getting so big. He will be 8 months old in April, where did the time go?

That is it from here. Enjoy the rest of your week, hope the sun shines where ever you are!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Well, this was suppose to be a video, but as you can see it didn't work the way it was suppose to!! Oh well, I am new at all this, I'll get it sooner or later, LOL!!

Grandma getting Alex!! Love his laughter!
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I just read the Scadlock's blog and found out that Beckham is back in the hospital again with an infection. Please keep this little guy and his family in your prayers.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jake's heart

Valentines day is a special day for the Scadlock family. They are the family that has Jake's heart. It beats in the chest of their beautiful little boy, Beckham. Every Valentines day they mention Jake in their blog, Jake's heart is so loved by this family. And we love Beckham. His life is a struggle, but his warm smile says it all. He is such a happy little boy. We can not express the joy we feel knowing that this family is taking such good care of Jake's heart. The love they have for a little boy they do not even know is overwhelming. But then we don't know Beckham, but we love him and his family like they are ours. It is amazing how these two families have come together through a little heart. Beckham just had another run in with the hospital, but at this time he is home and doing well. We can't thank Kim and Nate enough for letting us share in Beckham's life, for letting us watch the growth of our little heart.

Please remember to be an organ donor. Because of Jake, not only is Beckham alive, but two people have been giving the gift of sight. How wonderful it must be to be giving this gift. What a wonderful gift Holly and Andy gave by making the hard disision to donate Jake's organs. My children are my heros. And Jake is the biggest hero of all! His life may have been short, but the gifts he left behind have brought so much joy to so many. How many of us touch so many people like our little Jake did? I am so proud of him!

On another note, I have one week off, yeah!! It is a much needed break, I just wish the weather was going to be better. On Thrusday Tom and I are going to Niagara Falls for two nights just to get away. I know, who goes to Niagara Falls in February? I don't care if it is going to be cold, just to get away for a few nights will be like heaven! I am taking Scout down to stay with Holly and Andy and Ben is so excited to have him staying for a few days. He is hoping Scout will sleep with him, good luck with that! He might, he loves that little boy. When Alex was born, I took Scout down with me and one night I went to brush my teeth. When I went in to check on Ben, Scout was curled up at the bottom of his bed! He wouldn't stay there, but he might sleep with him if I'm not there. We will see!

That's it from here. Have a good week, I know I will!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

When Tom and I were in Canada we played the WII with Mike and Sandy, now we are hooked. We decided to get one so we order one from Toy-R-us. Now I can't wait to get it. I just have to remember that I have to get up and go to work in the morning and not stay up playing until midnight! I can not function without sleep, and lately I seem to need more. I think I need some sunshine! I am so tired of driving to work in snow I could scream! And when will it get light in the morning? I have been driving to work in the dark forever. I have noticed that the sky is a little lighter in the a.m. this week, so I guess it is getting there. On a sad note, there was a fire today at the Alasha Farms, one of the first quaker farms in New York and the home of a friend of ours. Most of the damage was on the third floor, with fire breaking out through the roof. The fireman were able to get out a lot of the antiques, pictures and meaningful items. Tom said they did a good job.
That's it for now.
Till next time,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Canada weekend

This past weekend Tom and I went to Canada to see our friends Mike and Sandy. Their son and his girlfriend are having a baby and they had a co-ed baby shower with an 80's theme (they were both born in the 80's). A side from being in awful pain because of a tooth, we had a great time. Mike and Melissa got many nice things. And Saturday night after everyone left Mike, Sandy, Tom and I had a lot of fun Wii Bowling!! Now Tom and I want one. Scout had a good time and he was loved by all, of course!

So, yesterday I had to have a root canal done. My appointment was at 2:30 and three hours later I was out of there and on my way home. But at least he got it finished in one setting and I don't have to go back. And this is what it feels like not to be in pain, WOW!!! What a difference. Right now my mouth aches, but I'm sure that is just from him drilling down into the canals. I just hope this is it for dental work, it seems like I live at the dentist lately, LOL!

That's it from here, have a good week!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Why do the weekends go so fast? Here it is Saturday already! At least I have Monday off. It won't be much fun because I have to go to the dentist, yuck! I have to have two crowns put on and Monday is the first of four appointments. And I really, really hate going to the dentist. There are worse things, but that ranks right up there!
Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

donate life

I hope everyone who reads this have signed an organ donor card. Our grandson, Jake, passed away on August 16th 2007. Holly and Andy donated his organs and because of this, a little boy in Iowa has his heart. Beckham is doing well and is now almost 1 1/2 years old and a beautiful little boy. His family has welcomed us into their hearts and we have been able to watch his progress through their blog. It gives us some comfort to know that although we lost our little Jake, something good came from his death. We are so proud of Holly and Andy for the wonderful gift they gave, for giving hope and life to a family that needed it so badly. If you haven't already check the back of your drivers liscence and gone on line to donate life, please do so. Some day you may be rewarded with the gift of life yourself.

Where is the warm weather?

I am looking forward to spring! It is going to be really cold tomorrow, Friday and into the weekend. Will it ever stop?! I need some warm weather, along with everyone else. Oh to see spring flowers. And sunshine that brings warmth. I guess it will get here in time.

At least we are getting a little break. The weekend of the 24th we are going to Canada to Mike and Sandy's for Melissa's baby shower. It will be good to see all of our friends up there.

Tom and Crystal

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Welcome to our life!