Thursday, February 5, 2009

When Tom and I were in Canada we played the WII with Mike and Sandy, now we are hooked. We decided to get one so we order one from Toy-R-us. Now I can't wait to get it. I just have to remember that I have to get up and go to work in the morning and not stay up playing until midnight! I can not function without sleep, and lately I seem to need more. I think I need some sunshine! I am so tired of driving to work in snow I could scream! And when will it get light in the morning? I have been driving to work in the dark forever. I have noticed that the sky is a little lighter in the a.m. this week, so I guess it is getting there. On a sad note, there was a fire today at the Alasha Farms, one of the first quaker farms in New York and the home of a friend of ours. Most of the damage was on the third floor, with fire breaking out through the roof. The fireman were able to get out a lot of the antiques, pictures and meaningful items. Tom said they did a good job.
That's it for now.
Till next time,

1 comment:

  1. I noticed a huge difference in how light it was yesterday morning when I left for work over last Friday. Spring is coming -- but I'm sure there is a lot of winter left, too!!!
